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Vorisek's Backyard Bee Farm, llc Products

Vorisek's Backyard Bee Farm, llc is excited to add high quality vermiculture.  Worms raised in our own controlled environment.  Worms for fishing or your garden.  Worm castings to grow the healthiest plants.  These are exclusively found at our Linesville farm or delivered locally.


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Red Worms
Night Crawlers

Red worms are our main worm line.  Night Crawlers make up the balance.  It takes 6 months to bring a worm to reproductive age.  11 months is beyond peak breeding age.  Both species grow very large, unlike some of the red worms found in many bait shops.



Honey Comb

We experienced back to back heavy winter losses for 2020 and 2021.  As a result, we are not able to produce as much honey.  For the near-term, we will run fewer colonies to get better control on bee health. Hopefully, this equates to good yields.  However, we need to reduce our wholesale points of sale.



Organic Fertilizer

The best dirt for your plants is from earthworms.  Worm castings are an incredible organic fertilizer.  Worms eat composting vegetation and their waste creates an optimal soil, rich in nitrogen and micro-organisms that stimulate healthy plant growth. It improves soil texture and water retention.

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Vorisek's Backyard Bee Farm,llc

Where the bees pick the flavors..
and Mother Nature chooses when.

Winter feeding consists of 'candy board blocks' in addition to the 60-80 lbs of stored honey.   The board allows lateral access to food and warm air pocket.

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Swarm Removal

or Referral


Honey Production

and Sales


Queens & Bees




and Outreach


Legislative Committee

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Worms and Castings

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Who We Are

About Vorisek's Backyard Bee Farm,llc

     Vorisek’s Backyard Bee Farm grew out of an FFA enterprise. About 1993, our oldest daughter, Carleen, started beekeeping as an Agriculture project.  She embraced it and became proficient.  In 1997, she was one of four finalists in the National FFA Proficiency. 

     Her younger sister, Shanna, continued this enterprise. Shanna’s project book consistently ranked high in Pennsylvania and in 2002 was honored with first place in the state.

    This little honeybee farm serves primarily local customers.  We are one of very few markets in northwest Pa. offering locally and domestically produced honey and hive products.

         With the challenges of keeping bees alive and healthy, it is our goal to maintain a relatively smaller number of hives and put more effort in proficiency.

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Contact Us

Vorisek's Backyard Bee Farm,llc is committed to offering the highest quality, local honey and hive products to our neighborhood.

Linesville, PA 16424, USA

H 814-683-5888, C 814-350-0662

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Our Roadside Stand

Open year round

15834 Linesville Rd, 

Linesville, Pa


Local Stores

Countryside Farm Market,

Cambridge Springs

Family, Farm & Home - Meadville

Ray's Market - Linesville

Livingston Meats, Conneaut Lake

M & M Grocery, Greenville

Al's Melon's (Al's Label), Conneaut Lake


Events & Festivals

Pioneer Steam & Gas - July
Crawford County Fair - August
Asbury Woods Honey Harvest - September
Pumpkin Fest, Conneaut Lake - Octobler
St. Lawrence Craft Show, Albion - November
Pa State Farm Show, Harrisburg - January

        We DO NOT have on-line or website sales.  Please find us locally.


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Pumpkin Pollination

As the number of bee visits to a pumpkin flower increases from 1 to 12, fruit-set increases from 6% to 64% and number of seeds per fruit increases from 273 to 366.  Male flowers outnumber female ones by 3.5: 1 to 10: 1.  Female flowers are only open one day, in the morning hours.  Early bee activity is even more important on hot days when flowers close early.  Large bee populations help ensure maximum flower visitation, pollen deposition, and crop yield.   For smaller producers, the yield is so much better that they can reduce required pumpkin acreage.   Nectar from vine plants is about 1% of an equal acre of alfalfa.  Hives will usually loose weight during this pollination.

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Apple bloom requires 8-24 visits by pollinators. Good pollen movement is necessary for fruit with high seed count.  More seeds make a bigger fruit.

Blueberry Pollination

   Honey bees are the “work horses”of managed bees and some estimates suggest that honey bees account for 80% of the insect pollination in agricultural crops.  Because the blueberry anthers are protected by the bell-shaped corolla and the pollen is relatively heavy and sticky,

          Wind does not aid in the pollination process.  If pollination does not occur within two to three days after the flower opens, fruit set is less likely and   by 7-8 days becomes improbable.  Since insect pollination is essential for maximum blueberry production, failure to produce good crops is frequently the result of poor pollination.

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Linesville, PA 16424, USA

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